Jo Morrison: Impromptu Millennium Harper for Maryland, 2003 and Isle of Lewis 2005


Jo's home page here; her quest chronicles here - 2003 2005

Back story: Jo's declared quests were completed, and titles duly acknowledged - JL.

Update April, 2005. In January, I declared my quest to become Millennium Harper to the Isle of Lewis for 2005. In this quest I pledged to play for a minimum of 25 different people on the island while there, in January and February. This would be in any setting, mostly be in people's homes before leaving the island on March 4th.

Spring 2004:

I did a Millennium Quest in 2003, and I can say that I found it very rewarding. It was a good stretch for me, asking myself to play in public places without invitation and frequently without practice for the job itself. It forced me to let go of some of my perfectionistic demands on myself, it got me to realize that people were usually going to appreciate unexpected music, rather than finding it annoying or a bother, and it made me attempt to be more creative on the fly. I'm very glad I did it, and I'm pleased to say that I easily met my goal. I'll also say that some of these "performances" were the most rewarding harping or musical things I did all year.

Here is the declaration I made earlier in 2003: I, Jo Morrison,, declare my quest to become Impromptu Millennium Harper for Maryland. I will strive to overcome my shyness to play when I am not booked or invited to, and instead will play impromptu performances wherever I have a harp and a reasonable location to play. This could be at a fast food place on the way to a gig or at a cemetery after a funeral or at a friend's house. It could also be in my own living room when I have guests over. It could end up being anywhere, anytime, and for any length of time. I will attempt to do this during 2003 every time opportunity arises, with a goal of doing this at least 25 separate times during the year. Check my web site at

Jo Morrison